a short experimental animated film,
created with the assistance of artificial intelligence

by Nejc Trampuž

Nejc Trampuž

Nejc Trampuž

film director, animator

Nejc Trampuž (1993) is a multimedia artist from Slovenia, who graduated Cum Laude and received an award for his Master’s degree in photography at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. For the past five years, he has been actively involved in environmental and ecological projects (e.g. Another Future Entirely) and since 2019, he has also been an activist in the Youth for Climate Justice movement. His preferred means of expression is art collage in combination with various contemporary technologies, media and approaches. Trampuž held dozens of solo and group exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad, participated in international festivals and received several awards for his work
Tim Kropivšek

Tim Kropivšek


Tim Kropivšek (1993) is an illustrator, sound designer and musician. His works comment on the human psyche, the values of contemporary society and environmental injustice. He obtained his Masters degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana with the interactive sound installation The New Natural World. He is currently creating enigmatic soundscapes in his duo project Bellows on Titan.
Blaž Šef

Blaž Šef


Blaž Šef is a theatre actor working at the Slovenian Youth Theatre. Other projects include radio literary programmes, audio books, co-productions with institutions and NGOs in the field of performing arts, and developing the programmes of the Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies.

photo: Luka Kaše / Slovenian Youth Theatre